Unknown Facts about Black Holes

Black Hole | It is nothing but a mass in space which gravity is very high which is able to pull the light towards it due to which it looks black. Some scientist believes that the black hole is out of the time.
A star is an elementary factory in which the smaller atom collapse and form a big element. Due to the regular fusion reaction the smaller element like Hydrogen collapse and form a bigger element Helium and releases as a large amount of heat which is able to destroy a big city. Billions of element collapse and forms billions of the new element and release billion time heat which makes the star a source of energy. All the element collapse until it forms Iron and the iron stored in the core of the star. When the core becomes bigger the gravity increases and finally one day the gravity increases that much which form a  small black hole inside a star. Suddenly in a second, the small black hole pull the whole star and it becomes a black hole which is able to pull light. The small black hole formed inside the star is the star to eat the star and suddenly it blasts and produces 100 times more energy than our sun produces in its entire life. If we decrease the size of our Earth at about 1.5 cm then the gravity reaches a high level and forms a black hole.

In 1783, the famous professor of Cambridge University Jhon Michell (1724-1793) shared his theory about Black Hole. He is the first man who discovered the Black Hole. After this, in 1796 a French scientist Pierre Simon (1749-1827) wrote all details about Black Hole in his own book 'The System of the Word'.

Facts about Black Hole:

- Black hole literally pulls the space around them.

The black hole's gravity is that much high that is literally pulls the space around them. Our solar system also slowly moving towards a black hole. A black hole is able to absorb our whole solar system in a minute.

- Black Hole slows down the time.

Scientists believe that the black hole is far from the time. How much you become near to the black hole the time is slowly decrease compare to normal space. Scientists believe that inside the black hole you can live forever due to the absence of time. 

- Anything in our space can become a black hole.

Anything in our space can become a black hole. If our earth also compressed to the diameter become  1 cm then the gravity increased due to which a black hole is formed. Our sun can also become a strong black hole. When a small black hole is formed then it sucks all thing near to it then it becomes bigger and bigger.

-Every galaxy contains a supermassive black hole in between the galaxy.

Every galaxy including the Milkyway galaxy has a massive black hole in the centre of the galaxy. Scientists believe it helps to hold the galaxy in the space. 
In the middle of our galaxy, there is a black hole called Sagittarius A which is more than four million times than our sun.
