5. Vue Smart Glasses
It is the world first smart glass which matches with your real life. Regular earphones transmit sound through the ear to you but in case of Vue smart glasses, it provided with the vibration so only you can hear the sound. The vibrator is fitted in the handle of the glass. Vue designed sunglasses, power glasses and style glasses. It looks like the ordinary glass but it can do many things. It just 25gm which is ultra light comparing to others. It provides all features like Bluetooth from which you can connect your mobile from the application. It is also provided with the pedometer, scanner, call receiver etc. With the mobile application, you can easily locate your glass location.
If you are a pet lover and you want to know what your pet is thinking then this product is for you. In this technology, this device is connected to the pet head and by Bluetooth to your mobile. It has amazing sensors that detect the vibration of mind and know what the pet is thinking. By this, you are able to know what the pet is thinking. It is the most advanced technology in 2018 which helps the pet to be familiar with the human. It is based on a smart technology which is able to read pet feeling which is very helpful to have communication with pets.
4. Pet Mind Reader:

3. Flexible Display:
It is a new technology which comes in 2018 in which the display becomes bendable we can bend the display. It is based in OLED technology in which the colour of the display becomes more natural and this display is light, thin and it does not require backlit like in IPS or LCD displays. It is made of plastic in the state of glass it is safe and unbreakable. This takes a revolution in technology. Using this technology Samsung is going to launch a new device Galaxy X soon. Which is become the world first bendable mobile that changes the technology in 2018.
2. Maglev Train:

Yes, this is true China design a train called maglev which is the world fastest train ever exist. With the speed of 603 km/hr, it becomes the world fastest train ever designed. This train travel designed in electromagnetic theory. The beams of the road are provided with a high electricity which produces a strong magnetic field due to which the train floats and it doesn't touch the ground due to which the ground friction become zero. Now this train is only available in Sangai China and soon going to lunch all over the world.
1. Google Duplex:

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