After an hour of disappeared of the sun in the day part of our planet, people become panic. The temperature of the planet is decreasing by several degrees. After 24 hours people try to figure out what the hell is going on? The temperature of the earth is decreasing by 20 to 25 degree Celsius. Some species of plant and bacteria start to die. But the ecosystem of the sea is still not changed. After 7 days it still dark the average surface temperature of the earth is -17 degree Celsius that's about 1 degree F. The outer surface of earth become very cold but the inner part of the planet is still heated. Due to the geothermal process the area near to the tectonic falls. Most of the planet begins to die and the heat lover animals like cat begin to die. In the ground of sea, the phytoplankton also dies due to which it disturbs the whole ecosystem of the sea. The surface of the sea started to become ice. Now the scientist knows that is going on then the created shelter to save the humanity.
One month end the earth is still cooling and the average temperature of earth reached to -30 degree Celsius now the almost entire planet is coated with ice. Most of the living things on earth almost died but some bacteria still carry on with their normal life activity. Only in the near of the geothermal area, the water is still warm due to which some life may live on the earth but after some time all animals will die on the sea.
After a year, the temperature of earth decreased up to -40 degrees C or -40 degrees F. Only in the area of geothermal and tectonic falls in the sea some species may live and the country like Iceland people can survive in this cold but due to the lack of food and water, all species die. Scientists believe that the earth will continuously coll for several thousand years until the surface temperature of earth reaches to -160 degrees Celcius that's about -256 degree F. In this the life is impossible in our earth.
What about gravity?
If the sun is holing the planet and other bodies on their orbit then they will fall in the free space and collides to each other. Or maybe the earth collides with other planet and enter into a black hole. It is possible to after some time the earth enter to another solar system and found its own new sun which provides it with all things that our sun used to.
Well, it's all the thinking, but after several years our sun becomes a red giant and it pulls the mercury and the venus towards it and the earth and mars are heated up to several thousand degrees and after five million years from now it will explode and the solar system will end.
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