What would happen to you if you fell into a black hole?

The mass of a black hole is so concentrated, at some point, even tiny distances of a few centimetres would mean that gravity acts with millions of times more force on different parts of your body. Your cells get torn apart, as your body stretches more and more until you are a hot stream of plasma, one atom wide. Two, you die a very quick death. Very soon after you cross the event horizon, you would hit a firewall and be terminated in an instant. Neither of these options is particularly pleasant. How soon you would die depends on the mass of the black hole. A smaller black hole would kill you before you even enter its event horizon, while you probably could travel inside a supersize massive black hole for quite a while. As a rule of thumb, the further away from the singularity, you are, the longer you live.
Black holes come in different sizes. There are stellar mass black holes, with a few times the mass of the sun, and the diameter of an asteroid. And then there are the supermassive black holes, which are found at the heart of every galaxy, and have been feeding for billions of years. Currently, the largest supermassive black hole known is S5 0014+81. 40 billion times the mass of our sun. It is 236.7 billion kilometres in diameter, which is 47 times the distance from the sun to Pluto. As powerful as black holes are, they will eventually evaporate through a process called Hawking radiation.
To understand how this works, we have to look at empty space. Empty space is not really empty but filled with virtual particles popping into existence and annihilating each other again. When this happens right on the edge of a black hole, one of the virtual particles will be drawn into the black hole, and the other will escape and become a real particle.
So the black hole is losing energy. This happens incredibly slowly at first and gets faster as the black hole becomes smaller. When it arrives at the mass of a large asteroid, its radiating at room temperature. When it has the mass of a mountain, it radiates with about the heat of our sun. and in the last second of its life, the black hole radiates away with the energy of billions of nuclear bombs in a huge explosion. But this process is incredibly slow, The biggest black holes we know might take up a googol year to evaporate. This is so long that when the last black hole radiates away, nobody will be around to witness it. The universe will have become uninhabitable, long before then. This is not the end of our story, there are loads more interesting ideas about black holes,
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